Retreat Signup: April 3rd, 2025

Please enter your email address to begin the retreat signup.

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Select your name if it is listed below or select Add New Person.

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Please confirm your information.

Please confirm your emergency contacts.

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Emergency Contacts

Please review your accommodation needs.

The Cloisters has a limited number of rooms with accommodations for retreatants who are disabled.

Please indicate below any additional information that would improve your stay. Note that while we try our best to meet requests, these arrangements are first come first served.

Accommodation Needs

Please review and sign the Participation Agreement below.

The Cloisters on the Platte provides a silent retreat experience based on the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

This agreement sets forth the rules governing any time you stay at The Cloisters on the Platte. Please review it carefully. By acknowledging this agreement, you are agreeing to its terms. Maintaining your annual retreat reservation requires following these terms. We may, from time to time, update these terms. If we do so, we will notify you and require that you acknowledge the updated terms if you wish to continue making retreats at The Cloisters on the Platte. 

  1. Silent Retreat. The purpose of the retreat is to have deep contemplation with God. To achieve that end, every retreatant should have no interruptions and a quiet and peaceful environment to meditate, making silence a necessity for your benefit and the benefit of other retreatants. Unless otherwise specified by the retreat director or in the event of exceptional circumstances, you agree to maintain silence starting after dinner on Thursday night and continuing through the retreat’s conclusion on Sunday at noon.
  2. Health Limitations. You are required to inform us, in advance, of any physical or mental limitations that may prevent you from participating in the retreat in a safe manner. We will try to accommodate your special needs, if we are able. Your retreat will involve walking among your Guest Lodge, the Retreat Center, the Chapel, the Stations of the Cross, and other destinations on the campus grounds. Special needs also include serious food allergies of which we should be aware. There are refrigerators in the lodges where food can be stored for those who have special dietary needs.
  3. Emergency Contact. If someone needs to contact you during your retreat, they should call our emergency contact phone number: 402-676-6638. You acknowledge that you have shared this number with your family/friends. You further agree to provide us with emergency contact information in your user profile. If you experience a health emergency during the retreat, please call 911.
  4. Cell Phones. Cell phones can be a distraction for you and other retreatants. They should remain in your rooms during the retreat, powered down, and only used in an emergency. Lodge captains are the only exception to this expectation.
  5. Cloisters Property. You agree not to remove any property of the Cloisters on the Platte, including towels, flashlights, kitchenware, and anything else provided to you during the course of your visit. There are no housekeeping services provided during the retreat. You acknowledge that you will treat your room and other retreat facilities with respect and care. You agree to make Cloisters staff aware of any damage to property resulting from your stay.
  6. No Smoking. There is no indoor smoking at the Cloisters on the Platte.
  7. Photography. To preserve privacy and promote greater security, you agree not to take photographs of the facilities or campus, including interior photographs of your Guest Lodge.
  8. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. I agree to save, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Cloisters on the Platte Foundation and its board members, officers, directors, employees, consultants, and agents from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, and expenses (“Losses”) to the extent such Losses arise directly or indirectly out of your retreat participation, except to the extent such Losses result from our gross negligence or willful misconduct.
  9. Indemnification and Hold Harmless regarding Illness. On behalf of myself and anyone who might have a claim arising out of any medical condition I may experience relating to my attending this retreat, I forever release, indemnify, and hold harmless the Foundation, its officers, directors, employees, and volunteers.
  10. Good Will Donation. The Cloisters on the Platte Foundation is a non-profit charity and relies on donations to maintain the retreat grounds and facilities. At the retreat’s conclusion, I agree to make a voluntary good will donation in an amount that is meaningful to me. I understand that there is no set fee to attend the retreat but that all attending are expected to make a donation. Together, gifts from the community of retreatants ensures that the Ignatian retreats will continue at The Cloisters for generations to come.

Next Steps

An ambassador from The Cloisters on the Platte will reach out to you with details regarding your visit. Please be sure to check your email regularly.

To prepare for your retreat, please visit the What to Expect page.

My Retreats

To access your retreat information or to cancel your retreat, please return to The Cloisters on the Platte website, select Sign In from the menu, and select My Retreats.

Cancel Retreat: April 3rd, 2025

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